On Home page the blogs advance "most recent" on top to "oldest" on bottom. To scroll through the blogs to see progress made throughout project, start from the bottom and go up. Or if you would like to see only the journal entries you can click on the link above called "weekly journal only".


Weekly Journal Only

April 19-23:
  1. Met with Mrs. Miranda to discuss project. Topics discussed were visiting an art museum, sculpting methods, type of clay to use, size of sculptures, and timeline.
  2. Researched animals worshiped throughout history in different cultures.
  3. Researched sculpting methods (specifically reductive sculpting)
  4. Chose the three animals that I will portray in sculptures (Cobra, Eagle, and Jaguar)
  5. Began researching and taking notes on specific animals

April 26-30:
  1. Continued researching information for paper
  2. Began Draft 1 of the research paper
  3. Discussed with Mrs. Miranda if and when to take pictures of sculpture (before and after photos or in the process photos) (took photos)
  4. Began first sculpture (Cobra)
  5. April 26-27: Sculpted general shape of body and head of Cobra
  6. April 28-30: Added detail to Cobra (scales, eyes, mouth/nose)
  7. Added to research paper information about the process of sculpting the Cobra and challenges that arrived.

May 3-7:
  1. Sculpted general shape of Eagle head (added some detail - eyes and beak) (used reductive sculpting method).
  2. Meeting with Mrs. Miranda to discuss what more to add to the research paper and the timeline of the project.
  3. Discussed with Mrs. Miranda how to sculpt the Eagle's body - decided on slab construction rather than reductive sculpting.
  4. Began sculpting and shaping Eagle body
  5. Continued research and added more information to the paper (discussed general information about animals in art and famous sculptures).
  6. Continued taking pictures of work in progress.
  7. Decided to create a blog for the journal - took all journal entries previously on word document and posted them onto blog.
  8. Began creating a keynote presentation of project, researched information, inspirational pictures, and work in progress photos.

May 10-14:
  1. After deliberating with Mrs. Miranda, we decided to scrap what we had of an Eagle to start over and do a better job.
  2. Created Works Cited Page using Noodle Tools and added Parenthetical Citations to research paper.
  3. Decided to take a break from the Eagle and began the jaguar sculpture (Wed May 12).
  4. Created a nice block of clay to begin reductive sculpting of jaguar.
  5. Sent research paper draft 1 to Mrs. Miranda to be read, edited, and suggestions made.
  6. Sculpted general shape of jaguar body, legs, and head.
  7. Began refining the jaguar face and legs.
  8. Cobra snake was baked in the kiln and retrieved. Discussed with Mrs. Miranda possibly mounting the finished sculptures on finished wood planks.
  9. Mrs. Miranda also suggested painting a nice "title" of each sculpture on the wood plank.
  10. Will look for possible ways to mount the sculpture and possible nice pieces of wood over the weekend.
  11. Talked to Mrs. Koehler about the research paper. My main question was, "am I allowed to use I in the paper due to the fact that I am suppose to include my original analysis in addition to outside sources?"

May 17-21:
  1. Continued adding detail to the jaguar sculpture. Added ears, face, paws, and refined the body.
  2. Began painting the fired cobra sculpture. Chose a variety of shades of brown. Lighter on the belly and darker on the back.
  3. Finished Jaguar sculpture, allowed it to dry and harden. To be fired in the kiln.
  4. Went to writing center. Edited research paper based on teacher's suggestions. 
    1. Put whole paper in past tense. (did take advise)
    2. Make more distinct connections between the physical description of and characteristics of animal and why it was worshiped. (did take advise)
    3. Add that the Eagle was also chosen as our nations bird. (did not take advise because paper focuses more on ancient cultures rather than today - could be a good connection to make of past to present in presentation though).
    4. Edit thesis - include a statement saying that the cultures valued the traits of the animals (did take advise).
    5. Talk about other animals and their traits (did not take advise - I was worried that I would get too far off on a tangent and lose track of the paper).
  5. Finished research paper to date. Submitted it to Mrs. Miranda on Thursday. (included finished works cited)
  6. Finished painting underglaze of Cobra and gloss glaze. To be fired a final time in the kiln.
  7. Continued taking photos of works in progress - uploaded them to the blog.
  8. Added more information to the presentation keynote.
  9. Discussed with Mrs Miranda the "gutting" process. Decided that the Jaguar did not need to be split in half and gutted but instead I poked holes in the thicker areas of the sculpture using a needle tool.

May 24-28:
  1. Fired completed Cobra and biskwear Jaguar.
  2. Began the Eagle, only general shape of body and wings (again - but this is the final attempt).
  3. Reviewed corrections made by Mrs. Miranda on research paper.
  4. Finished research paper and submitted it to "" (submitted it on Tuesday).
  5. Continued working on presentation (adding information about animals, worship, and art).
  6. Decided that when the presentation is almost complete - I can present it to Mrs. Miranda and friend for review and suggestions (will do that early next week).
  7. Carved out the feathers on the wings and feet of the Eagle. Added detail such as eyes to the head.
  8. Printed out 5 copies of the research paper and delivered it to Mrs. Koehler's mailbox Friday morning.